Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken with Nacho Cheese

I know I normally post earlier in the day, but I wanted to switch things up a little for a couple of reasons. For starters, I recently learned about mixing up my liminal space and I thought it couldn't hurt to try it and try writing my post in a different time. (In hopes that I would be able to write better posts! So I guess we'll see how this turns out). And also because I saved the recipe for Sunday's late lunch/ early dinner. So I'm just finalizing up everything as I type.

Anyway, i was just about to start testing overnight oatmeals, when my mom mentioned a slow cooker recipe involving chicken, cheese soup and salsa. It sounded easy enough that I knew I had to try it for a Sunday dinner.

(So yay for mom's always find the solution without even trying!)

The Recipe

Salsa Chicken with Cheese Soup (or Nacho Cheese!)

Recipe from SparksRecipe


So Kerichelle who submitted this recipe, pared it down from Chelleshocked's "top rated recipe" (I don't know how true that is. I can't find anything about a Chelleshocked for cooking.) and I pared it back up to serve 4. That way we would have enough to eat and then have leftovers for lunch tomorrow!.

So I followed the recipe, only I used nacho cheese instead of cheddar cheese soup and I made my own taco seasoning (mostly because I wanted to see if I could do it and because I had leftover spices from my burrito bowl, so there really was no reason to waste money on taco seasoning.) And of course my favorite part is putting it all together and then letting it cook while I go do other things!

I just need to check recipe times before I cook them because I let this cook fmmor about 6 hours and by the time it was ready, I was starving. (Or maybe I should have eaten more than a couple of mini donuts and a few chips. Either way something has to change!)

Anyway after I shredded the chicken, I put in about three big dollops of sour cream (And not 1/2 that I should have put in. That just seems like way to much, but to each their own I guess).

Lion (as always) got the first taste. I mixed his with some rice and beans Mike had made the night before. (It just makes it easier if he gets his food and starts eating it while I make myself a bowl)

And here's how my bowl ended up (about halfway through my devouring of it!). Kerichelle recommends it as enchilada filling or over rice. I however thought it would work nicely with tortilla chips. 

And Blue is still in his picky eater phase, so he just had chips...

in the mason jar I was using as my water bottle.

But its all right, he enjoyed them (and Lion later stole the jar and ate the chips too!)

So overall it was a success. And I love the simplicity of the recipe! (and I think I'll be making this a lot more throughout the winter).
