Jazzing up my Coffee Mug

So the other day I was searching my Pinterest boards for inspiration to fill out my November project list and I rediscovered a pin to create a glitter dip coffee mug. And I knew that it would be a great way to start November.

(And a great way to transform an old mug I have!)

The Project

Glitter Dipped Coffee Mug

Instructions from White House Black Shutters


To be fair, I didn't read the instructions all the way before I started thinking about this project. I just simply looked up decoupage and realized I could just use my homemade mod podge and acrylic sealer. And after I started I look to see that Anne Marie from White House Black Shutters, used dishwasher safe decoupage. But I figured I'd be all right, since we don't have a dishwasher and I have to hand wash my dishes.

So here's the mug I started with:

(You can find the mug at Amazon here)

So to begin with I had to clean my mug and I scrapped off the one side in which 'Best Mom Ever' was starting to fade. (A simple quick scrub with a scouring pad and it was mostly gone. When it hits the light just right you can still see where the letters were.) And then I just an alcohol pad to clean the outside, taped off what I didn't want glittered. (I went with about half the mug covered and half not.)

And then I said a quick prayer for the craft gods that I wouldn't mess it up and started glittering it.

And because I didn't read I left the painters tape on it while I let it dry. Which turned out to be a good thing because once I checked it, I realized that the first layer of glitter wasn't going to be enough. So I added another layer of glitter

And then I let it dry again before I finally realized I was supposed to pull the tape of right away. Luckily no harm was done. 

So I pulled off the tape, brushed the glitter off and began to seal it. I went with one layer of modpodge and then two layers of acrylic sealer.

And since the instructions say to let it cure for 7 days, I haven't gotten to use it yet.

But Blue has already become obsessed with it! He really likes the glitter, that he calls sprinkles.

And here's a clear view of the mug.

And I'll update once I use and wash it. I wouldn't run this version through the dishwasher though. (even after the 28 days). I'm not sure the glue will hold up even with the acrylic sealer.

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