
Showing posts from October, 2015

Monday Free Write

Hello All! I know I haven't posted anything in a week! But this is why the blog is in beta, so I can figure out a schedule that works best for me and my family. And the first step in that it figuring out how and when I can sneak off to write. Because quite frankly as  wonderful as my boyfriend is, if I told him I was doing this he would just roll his eyes and make a snarky comment about it.  And beyond that a lot of my spare time right now is being consumed with Lyon's crib bumper (which I'm determined to have finished by the time we move him into the boys room). I however have been doing a lot of thinking about the blog and posts I'd like to make, so that you can see how everything's coming together. So hopefully within the next couple of days I'll have a post about the current state of the boys room and the different projects I have going on in there. Along with an update on the crib bumper. Other than that I have no real immediate plans to the blog. So I

Monday Free Write

Hello All! When I had the time to keep up a writing journal, Sundays used to be my day for free writing. And I really enjoyed just having a day to just write whatever I feel like writing, so I thought I would bring it over to this blog. Except maybe it won't be a complete free write, instead just a look back on the week and a look forward on things to come. So without further ado, here is the first Monday Free Write... So I know I haven't made any actual blog posts, but I am in the planning stages of the first one. I have been using all my little free time over the past few weeks working on a crib bumper for my second son Lyon. And well there's still probably a good month or two more work to go into it before its finally finished, but its getting there. And from all the leftover fabric, I have plans to make many more projects. So expect blog posts on all of those projects. And because I either work on multiple projects at once or none at all. I also have in the works w


To the few people who have stumbled upon this blog, welcome! Right now it doesn't look like much, hence why it is in beta. Over the course of the next year I plan to come up with a permanent name for the blog, figure out exactly what I want to write about and figure out the best schedule to post entries that work for you (and for me). And then maybe if I'm feeling crazy I'll attempt to learn html. But for now my main focus is to get this blog up and running. So until then here we are at The Jenn Lietz Blog (in beta)!