Magic Kitchen Spray

I really enjoyed that for all my October Try Mes! I tried out cleaners. And for the most part I really enjoyed trying them. So I thought I would continue along this trend and try out more cleaning products during November.

First up is a magic cleaner. (which makes promise that you just spray it on, let it sit and then wipe with a damp rag and everything will just wipe off.

The Project

Test Of Magic Spray

Instructions from this photo

(And yes I'm still tracking down who created this image)


So where do I begin on this. Oh yes I forgot to check the amount of liquid my bottle would hold before I tried doubling the recipe. (And for the record I reused a Green Works spray bottle from work. And I find that if you are trying to get into going green, but don't want to make it yourself, it is a solid product and you should use it.) So in the process of dumping some of it out and adding water, I may have messed up my ratio while dong so.

So with that being said, I also didn't read that it should dry and then wipe off (which is why this is a morning late because I thought I should give it a proper try before.) 

So the first time I tried it, I sprayed it on and I think I noticed it was running down the side of my door and wiped it off rather quickly. I probably sat for a half n' hour at most. The amazing was that is did get a big smear off of my oven door.

So I decided to try it again. This time I sprayed it before I went to work and I decided not to touch it until the next morning.

Here is how my oven door looked before I sprayed it.

and here is my towel before I wet it and began to wipe

and here's my oven door after I wiped it down

and here's how my towel fared

I'm not sure if you can it in the pictures, but I found that it didn't work that well on the glass window. It got some of the bigger stains off, but it didn't quite break the smaller more stuck on stains. 

So overall if you clean your oven more often than I do, I think this is a great spray that's relatively chemical free (completely if you just use regular lemon juice, I guess, but you may want to keep it in the refrigerator). So you should definitely try it for yourself.

And I should definitely clean my oven more often!
