Butt and Gut Challenge

So I started running again in September. And I decided it was best if I just started slow. So for September I ran about three times a week for about two miles. And I was happy with doing just that. But as October was approaching I knew I wanted to add something into my fitness routine.

So I began searching Pinterest for work out challenges that were easy enough that they could compliment my running mornings, but also could stand alone and still feel like a good workout.

And that's how I found the 30 Day Butt and Gut challenge. I thought it would be perfect. I do need to work on my abs (especially after having two babies stretch them out!) and who doesn't like a nice firm butt? (Well I'm sure somebody, but definitely not me!).

So here we go with my first real 30 day challenge

This Month's 30 Day Challenge

photo from Tighten and Tone


I think I should have read the instructions a little more carefully instead of just being hopefully it would work because as soon as I read day one exercises I wasn't sure it would work. It just seemed a little on the light side to actually shape . But I decided to stick with it anyways.

I actually made a few modifications to the instructions as well. For the crunches I doubled the number and did alternating side to side crunches and for lunges I did walking lunges and also doubled the amount to work each side equally.

And I was actually keeping up with the days and the exercises pretty well, even when some days  I had to entertain Blue and Lion while completing them

And I kept up pretty well, until about mid month. Sometime during hurricane Matthew I caught a cold and my body had some gnarly pain from that. And I was tired and I had to get up with the boys on no sleep. And overall I just fell into a funk because of it. 

(Looking back on it now and doing a little reading on depressions, I think it probably was a brief depression. Which I have to keep telling myself, its okay to admit it and that it good allows the mind to reset and no harm came from it, other than missing some workouts. The most important part is that I didn't stay in a depressed state for that long).

So by the time I was finally feeling like myself again, I had to play catch up with some dates. Which was the first time I actually felt a little pain the next day. But the funk really through my off schedule and I never actually got fully back to the challenge.

So I'm not sure how well this 30 day challenge actually works. Bu I think you should definitely try it out for yourself!
