
Showing posts from March, 2016

Monday Free Write

I think for the first time I realized why I'm failing at this blog thing. I (stupidly) thought it was just my writers block that wasn't allowing me  to post what I wanted, but really it's because this whole blogging thing is a big juggling act. And I have yet to get all my balls in the air. I'm working on projects but then I'll drop that ball to blog about another project.  And well really I need to be working on my posts as I'm working on the project (or at least thinking of them while working on the projects) instead of rushing through the project and then trying to back track. But this is why the blog is in Beta. So I can figure all these little problems out and figure out the best way to solve them without having to worry about my livelihood.  So I don't know if I'll get any posts up about all my various projects any time soon, but I think I'll get a couple balls in the air and start writing some posts. And time to look back and start editing s

Monday Free Write

I'm a little sick so I'm going to keep this short and sweet again this week. I've got a couple of posts in the work that hopefully will get finished up soon and posted.  Other than that I've been working on a couple of quick little projects that will make great posts while I continue to work on the crib bumper. (Which I plan to have the first long side finished this week!) As for my plastic bag bin, I just have to keep wrapping the top part until I get it as deep as I have planned. Unfortunately every time I pull it out to work on in front of the kids, they instantly try to help and I get no work done. So that should hopefully be finished by the end of the month.  Other than that I've just been researching some nifty upcycling ideas for baby toys. So hopefully I'll start work on that soon as well