Monday Free Write!

And here it is. Monday again. The last Monday before the election insanity ends and we go back to just bitching about everything the president does (or doesn't do) and how awful the next president will be. But I'll get to all that on Wednesday (hopefully!).

So for now I wanted to look back at October and look ahead at the rest of November.

So October is already gone. And boy did that go by quickly! (And I can't believe we're already in November!). And I know I say this every month, but I think October was my most successful month. (Other than that brief week when my WiFi was on the fritz!). I definitely tried a lot of things and it definitely made me try a lot more things.

Overall I like all the added projects I added in and I want to follow that trend coming up here in November. (And eventually I'll get to the point where I'm writing something for the blog every day, but that probably won't happen until February or March or later.)

And I don't know what else to say about it. It happened and I liked it. If I could do it over again I would have picked more Halloween activities. But I guess that's something to keep in mind for next year.

Moving on to November, I'll just admit it now. I'm skipping over a lot of Thanksgiving crafts. Most crafts I find are centerpieces or decorations for the house. And well Mike always takes the boys to his parents house, so I don't have a table to set and I won't have a Thanksgiving dinner to cook either. (I have to work on Thanksgiving. Its part of the joy of working on Disney property!) 

So here is what I do have for my November Project list.

(I was just actually making some changes to line up right before I took the picture)

 So as you can see I have a very busy project schedule ahead of me. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle it. And I'll make it out of November with better skills.

So here's to a great October and an even better November!
