Monday Free Write

To say this has been a long hard week, would be an understatement at this point. The election results were a cold bitter pill to swallow. And it just felt that everything we, as a country, were working towards with Obama (equal pay, more rights for LBGT+, fighting climate change; etc), are now getting put in reverse. Its disheartening to say the least.

And throughout this week, I have asked myself a millions times where do I go from here?

And the answer is clear. 

 The only way to keep moving progress forward is through education and enlightenment. 

So, I keep fighting the good fight on this blog. I keep making stuff and learning fun ways to upcycle and most importantly I keep sharing them.Because I may not be able to stop the drilling of oil or wrecking nature to get coal (and no I'm not sure how they really get coal. Other than through coal mines), but I can at least stop filling the landfills with so much trash.

And yes I'll be fighting the good fight off the blog as well. If you want to help the fight, here is a good starter list of places to donate money to or volunteer your time to.

And no I probably won't be talking about it on the blog. Not that I don't think its important or worth sharing. But because I plan to volunteer at Planned Parenthood starting in the spring. I just find its a little too polarizing for the blog (which I try to keep moderate to a little liberal leaning).

And with that I will get off my soap box!

Now go enjoy the super moon! (If you aren't under complete cloud coverage that is!)

Here's a shot of Blue enjoying it last night. So at least we had one night of it!
