The importance of Coconut Oil

Happy September everyone!

I thought there was no better way to kick off September than with this month's product spotlight. 

I promised myself when I turned 29 that I would take the last year of my 20's and get rid of all my unhealthy habits. And just start my 30's a better and happier Jenn.

(mainly I wanted to stop eating so many carbs, but they are in some many tasty treats, that I just don't know how to give up)

And here we are about six months later, and while I haven't really changed my eating habits a whole lot, I have slowly started to care about what I put on my body. (A large part of this has been trying to find projects for the blog.) And what I've found is that its super easy to make a lot of really great products to help take care of yourself.

And a lot of these products have one common ingredient :

Coconut Oil

I'm not going to talk your ear off about all the wonders coconut oil has (and believe me there are more than enough). Instead I've got a bunch of products lined up to test out how great coconut oil really is. (So I can prove how much everybody needs it in there life!)

What I will say now is that I absolutely love cooking with it. (There's a reason its called Magic Vegan Cooking Grease!) It makes me feel healthier (even when I'm not making healthy meals!) and I like that it gives my food a nutty note. And really if you don't want to try coconut oil for any other purpose; there is no reason not to replace your butter with it.

So buy it, use it, love it, and you won't regret it!
