Baby Cereal Muffins: 3 Ways

I have such a fun time making the baby cereal pancakes, that I decided to see what other food items I could make with excess baby food and cereal we still have. And I was shocked to learn that just about anything you bake you can substitute baby cereal in there some way or another. (Heidi Stock has a bunch of ideas here).Along my searches, I stumbled upon a couple different recipes for baby cereal muffins. And I love muffins so much that I knew I had to try them out (and hopefully my boys would like them as much as they did the pancakes).


Try 3 Different Baby Cereal Muffins Recipes


Recipe #1: Baby Food Muffins

Recipe From This Pin

(Which as no web page with it as far as I can tell)

I should really know by now that if you can't find the actual website that goes with the pin, that the pin clearly doesn't work. But against my better judgment I tried this muffin recipe anyways.

I actually had to make two batches of these muffins. After making the pancakes, I forgot that muffin batter is no as loose and I added two cups of water to thin out the batter. All that did was make my batter goopy and even when I extend the cook time to 30 minutes the muffins still didn't cook all the way through. (And needless to say those muffins did not get eaten. I tried, but neither boy wanted to try them)

So I made a second batch and followed the instructions to a T. And well I wasn't all that impressed with them. They didn't really puff up at all. And they just cooked into a stiffer blob. But at least with this version I could trick Lion into trying them. 

Lion actually only ate a little of it and then left it behind.

So I definitely need to refine this recipe before I try it again. (And hopefully by the time I get back here, we'll have another baby or two!)

Recipe #2: Baby Apple Muffins

Recipe from Amanda Hollen

After the complete fail of the first batches of muffins, I actually had high hopes for these muffins. Mainly because this included a recipe that looked like a real muffin recipe and also because the recipes calls for apple chunks in there. Its my belief that muffins are best with chunks of fruit in them.

And I'll admit it, I didn't follow the recipe completely. I didn't read far enough to see that I should cook the muffins 400 degrees and then switch to 350. Instead I just cooked them at 350 for about 20 minutes. They still turned out just fine.

Lion definietly enjoyed these muffins a lot more than the first recipe. And even Mike and I enjoyed them as well. So this is a really good recipe, that you could easily switch up the apple for another fruit if you wanted.

Recipe #3: Apple Banana Avocado Muffins

All right this recipe doesn't actually include baby cereal, but I'm pretty sure you could switch out the quick cooking oats for baby cereal if you wanted.

I actually just liked this recipe because I thought tit was a good transitional food for babies. And it comes from Gold Medal Flour so it can't be that bad right?

Making these muffins wasn't a problem. For my first six I went off the time of the recipe forgetting that I making full size muffins and they probably needed to cook more. So that first set is a little under cooked in the middle. (I would worry more, but all the ingredients can be eaten raw, so no harm for my boys if they eat them). For the second set of six, I up the cook time to 20 minutes and they seemed to cook fully.

I really had high hopes for these muffins, but either Lion is tired of muffins or these just didn't tickle his fancy. Because he'll take a couple of bites and then move on to other food.


The main thing I learned, is that my kids are not really into muffins. None of the recipes I tried seemed to get eaten that quickly. So maybe its time I move on from my baby cereal experiments and finally start cooking real food.

(And also that I hate subbing bananas for eggs. I have the worst time trying to firm it up when I cook with it)
