Making Some Moon Sand

In case you haven't seen the news, a tropical storm is slowly passing over central Florida (emphasis on the slow part). So while it thankfully isn't storming over us, it is still rainy and cloudy. So that means that we are stuck inside for a little bit. (I let them play in the rain for a while, but for the most part we are inside right now).

So that means its time for me to get crafty to entertain them. Luckily there are a lot of two ingredients crafts on Pinterest to try out. (Even though I'm highly skeptical that any of them actually make what they say they do. Case in point: The Dish Soap Silly Putty Experiment!) So I decided this would be the perfect time to try another one out. (And besides I have plenty of flour and baby oil to spare) Anyway, I thought I would try my hand at making some moon sand (and if it didn't work out then I would have to try something else quickly)

The Project:

Try To Make Moon Sand

Instructions from Lessons Learnt Journal


I'll admit it. I thought there was no way that this could work. I mean really 8 cups of flour to 1 cup of baby oil? But something inside told me to try it. And you know what? This actually turned out to be a fantastic idea.

I'm not sure how that little amount of oil was able to spread over that much flour, but it did. And I like the way it can clump together easily and then break apart just as easily.

But even more than I enjoyed playing with it. The boys love playing with it.

and yes I realize they're playing on the table, but I was there to make sure they stayed put (And didn't accidentally fall off)
