Coconut Oil Face Scrub

Well September is quickly coming to an end; so before that happens I wanted to share one more way that I tried coconut oil for. For this last project I went back to the bathroom. I mentioned that after I crocheted my reusable face pads, that I needed to find a good face wash to go with them. 

I don't know if I mentioned it or not there, but I tried using Neutrogena and I found that it dried out my face. So I knew I needed something. And I loved my coconut oil shave scrub so much that I decided maybe coconut oil was the answer I was looking for. I guess I shouldn't have surprised at the results on Pinterest, but I was. There are a whole lot of options. 

So as tempting as it was to try a bunch out, I decided maybe it was best if I kept it simple and just try out one (which turned into two after it was all said and done).

The Project

Try Out Coconut Oil Face Scrubs

recipes from Frugal Farm Wife 

and Mother's Niche


I tried the recipe from Frugal Farm Wife first. And I'm sorry I don't have any pictures from the experiment, but it really didn't last that long. I just found that with the ratio of baking soda to coconut oil was just a little too rough for my face. And after a while it started to dry it out my face. (In all fairness I did leave out the essential oils and that might have helped even out the baking soda.

So I quickly moved on. And while I was writing up the post for my coconut oil shave scrub, I discovered that Mother's Niche also had a recipe for a face scrub. And since I love my shave scrub so much, I decided to give it a chance.

And since I had very high hopes for this one I made a full jar of it. (And it you're into essential oils you can add them in there as well.)

I love how easy it is to use. All I have to do is pinch a little off the top, smear it on my face pad and then rub it all over my face. (And then I rinse the pad and use it to wipe off any excess off my face.)

And really I couldn't be happier with the results. (So much so I'll post a picture of myself in bad lighting, no make up, using it!)

I really like how smooth it makes my face feel. And well I'm lucky enough to suffer from a lot of acne, I do feel like this helps control the little that I do get.

I wouldn't recommend it for daily use. (If I do, I find it dries out my face and I normal skin. So I couldn't imagine) Neither does Mother's Niche. She in fact recommends using coconut oil alone for most days and then a couple times a week using the face scrub.

I guess that will be the next step in my night time routine!

(Some links as associated. The others just lead to other blog posts for your enjoyment)
