Monday Free Write

I'm a regular reader of parenting articles and interesting posts from all over the web. (A lot of them from Huffington Post, Pop Sugar moms, etc.) So I was a little taken back when I found an article from The Financial Diet titled 'Stop Taking Pride In Not Knowing How To Do Basic Shit'. I only skimmed it at first and I knew that her statements were exactly why I was doing this blog. 

Sure I make it sound cute, 'Jenn tries It (so you don't have too)', but what's hidden underneath is that I'm trying pins so that I'll eventually gain all the adult skills that I'm lacking. I'll be 30 in a little over 5 months, I have two kids and I still feel like I'm pretending to be an adult. (And I believe Mike has it worse than I do and he'll be 40 next year! But I ). Its not cute and I take no pride in not knowing how to do basic shit. I hate it.

But I'm working on it. 

And just have to keep reminding myself, that it doesn't always have to be perfect the first time. I'm still learning and as long as I keep trying, there is no shame in admitting I'm failing. (Just admitting that I might be perfect at everything gives me a little be of anxiety. I like things to be perfect and I like to make them perfect on the first try. This may actually be my worst quality and the reason why I still can't do basic adult things. But the more things I try, the more I let that go. And the more I'm willing to let you all see my failures.)

And I'm inviting everybody on the internet to follow my journey. (and hopefully in these next 15-17 years I have left with my boys I can teach them the basic life skills they need to exist in the world)
