A Great Way To Organize Your Dresser

This project actually isn't a new project, but just one of my favorite organization tips. I actually discovered it when Blue was a baby and Mike would mess up his entire dresser to find the perfect onesie for Blue to wear. And then I was frustrated with the big mess and I couldn't find any of the onesies I wanted to put Blue in. So I knew I needed to figure out a solution (and fast!). 

Luckily I remembered pinning an idea to store shirts in a dresser easier. I knew that if it worked for adult sized clothes, that it would definitely work well for baby (and toddler clothes), too.

The Project

Organize Blue and Lyon's Dresser

(I looked by I couldn't find the owner of this image, but this is the best tutorial I found to organizing a lot of t-shirt in a tiny space)


Luckily my boys are still small enough that they can share a dresser, but that means I store more than t-shirts in their individual drawers. So I had to expand this tip to include everything they might wear.

I've got their drawers organized so that I've got a couple of rows of t-shirts (because little boys can never have enough t-shirts), a row of short, bathing suits and then winter clothes to the side for whenever it decides to turn winter again.

This really doesn't effect the t-shirt folding tip above. All I had to do was fold all there clothes in halves of thirds and then placed the clothes on their sides, so that they would fit compactly And still easy to find in the drawer.

My favorite part is that I can easily find whatever I'm looking for without messing up the entire dresser. (Which makes finding game day shirts a breeze!)

And Blue likes it because he can make a mess of his drawer easier. (Or find whatever shirt he's obsessed with right now).

Now I need to figure out how to use this in my dresser!
