Wonder Dough

So I something completely different I was going to try out, but I just couldn't find any motivation to actually try it let alone write about it. So at the last minute I decided to search Pinterest to see if I could find anything quick and easy and also something that would also be fun to try. And luckily I stumbled upon a recipe for "wonder dough". Its supposed to be like play dough and magic sand mixed together. So I knew instantly
I had to try to make it for my boys.


Make Wonder Dough

instructions found at Growing A Jeweled Rose


So since the instructions are kind of vague on the washable paint you should use (Growing A Jeweled Rose just says try different paints to get different textures in your wonder dough), I decided to use the left over finger paint I have from our birthday painting project.

And at first it seemed like it was working just like magic sand. So I tried adding a little more paint to the mix to see if I could turn it into dough. No such luck. But I was pleased that it seemed to make something useful.

So I decided to let the boys play with it. Blue was all too excited to play with more "sand".

And Lion was quickly there to join in the fun

Which created a big ole' mess. But I mean that's half the fun of making things for the boys. To see how big of mess they can make.

However as I can cleaning it up I realized that as it dried, it got really cumbly and didn't stay together at all. So in the end I ended up with just blue sand. So I guess I've once again learned that if it seems to good to be true, it most definitely is.
