Monday Free Write (The I Hate Monday Edition)

You know I don't normally hate Mondays. Normally because they are my Sundays or because I feel like they are the start to my week and I'm just excited to get the week started again. But yesterday my normal happy go lucky Monday was anything but. So I present to you what I wrote yesterday after a very frustrating morning. (In which I went out to Panera to get some blog post posted and couldn't get the internet to work. When it rains it pours, I guess)

I had so much to say today, but once again I learned that Mondays (which are my Sundays) are not my day. I usually work late on Saturday and get up with the kids on Sunday. And most Sundays my mom comes over to help me with the kids. This Sunday however she was in North Carolina visitng my sister. And I had to get up with the kids from Thursday through Sunday this week. (and each night I had to close.) So I thought maybe Mike might think about me and get up with Lyon on Monday morning.

No such luck. And yes I get that he has to work doubles on Sundays and he's tired from that, but I'm at my wits end by the end of Sunday. The last thing I wanted to do was get up with the boys again. (And despite the fact that I would like to sleep in tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be getting up with the boys again, while Mike sleeps in. I swear he sleeps more than cats do at this point).

And really I could have dealt with that, had he gotten up and let me get out of the house to work on my blog. Nope he got up ran to the bathroom a couple of times, and then ran out to the store for about an hour. And then went right to work on a leak we have in the house. I get that it needed to be done, but to not even acknowledge that I'm exhausted trying to take care of two boys and to just go about his business is frustrating.

Finally about two hours later Mike asks if I need to get out and that I should have told him when I wanted to go. This is my main part where women and men are compeltely different. While he was out at the store I got dressed so I could go out once he got home. I thought he would let me go then (or at least notice that I was dressed and ready to go). Nope he never seems to get the hint and always just goes ahead with what he needs to do. I'm thoroughly annoyed by this point and left as soon as I could. (There may have been a small fight with Blue over a shark backpack that he wouldn't let me pack my computer into. And has claimed as his and his alone).

So I finally made it out to Panera to get some posts up on the blog. And now I can't get my computer to connect to the internet.

I've tried everything. (I even tried resetting it as you can see in the picture above.)

 And now I've written up the entire experience and I still feel tired and frustrated. 

And I guess its just time to stop fighting it off and just let myself give up on the plans for the day and just go with the flow... I know I'll feel better...
