My Favorite Laundry Tip

Even before I started this blog, I've never had any real issue with laundry. Sure I would put if off as long as I could, but once I got around to it I didn't mind putting it into the washer and then switching it over to the dryer. What's so hard about that really? It was always the putting away part that I never got around to. Sure I would get it out of the dryer (I can't stand when people do that. I really can't.), but I never got around to folding it and putting it away in a timely manor.

And even one I started this blog and after I started bullet journaling, I just got myself in a schedule of doing laundry on one day and putting it away the next. Overall it was just a mess (but I didn't realize that at the time. I thought it was a great system and I thought it worked.)

Until I found this article from on Pinterest (and now that I need it again I can't find it, but I'm sure I'll find it again soon!), which basically was a long way of giving out this very important laundry tip

Fold Your Laundry Right Out Of The Dryer

(and then put it away)

And really I thought it was a bunch of tidy people rambling, at first. But it seemed to too easy not to try. So the next time I had to do laundry, I decided to try it.

Naturally as soon as I tried to fold the laundry right out of the dryer, Blue and Lion were right there to help me.

So the first step was to move the laundry basket (that I was going to carry the clothes back in) from the floor and on top of the dresser. That way Lion (and sometimes Blue) would stop reaching in and pulling everything out that I just put in there.

And I found that it was easier on my back if I would take a little out clothes out at a time put them on top of the dryer and then fold them into the basket.

And you know the crazy thing is, by folding the clothes right away, I was more likely to put them away right away. 

Its crazy how one little change turned my two day (or more) laundry system into a single day chore. 

So if laundry has you feeling uninspired and unmotivated, try folding your laundry and soon as its done drying. And it might revolutionize your laundry routine too!

And when dealing with laundry always remember to empty out your lint trap after every load!

Its so easy that even Blue can handle it! (And that way you won't accidentally burn your place down!)
