Monday Free Write

I'm sorry for getting this up late. We're having difficulties with the internet lately and I've had to sneak out to get this posted. (Hopefully that will all be resolved by the end of the week)

Anyway I wasn't going to write this, I really wasn't, but then I heard Michelle Obama give a speech about this and I knew that I too had to say something about it. That's right I'm talking about what Donald Trump said 10 years ago and more importantly how he treats women today and most importantly how everybody can easily dismiss it as 'locker room talk' or 'boys will be boys'. 

Obviously as a woman I'm disappointed and disgusted by what he said. It was rude and vulger, but it was ten years ago. And people over a decade should change, so I can forgive him and Blly Bush for having a past. I'm not perfect and things I say to other people or about other people aren't fair to them. And I'm thankful that nothing I've said is recorded and put on display for the public.

But honestly I would expect nothing less from Donald Trump than to say something like that. The truth of the matter is that he still treats women like a piece of meat today. In fact I don't even know where to start. He has made awful comments about every woman he has come across whether it be a former Miss Universe winner that he called fat (and I believe ugly too, but that might be just because she was fat in his eyes that also made her ugly as well. And really I wouldn't put it past him either to say or imply either of that) or saying that he would probably be screwing his daughter if she were not his daughter (and I believe Ivanka just laughed off his comments as I believe she does with a lot of things he has to say.) And I really could go on and on, but that's not really the point. The point is that how he continues to treat women is completely inexcusable. 

And its not like he makes more of his comments in private either, he says them in various interviews and other outlets. And this type of behavior teaches young boys that girls are nothing more than to look pretty and are just there for sex. It also teaches young girls that all they need in life is to be pretty and sleep with rich men to get wherever they want to be. Its just awful to be teaching the youth these things.

I think the most disappointing thing is that he called it 'locker room talk' and his supporters just accept his excuse. And I'm sorry that I call bull shit on all of that. I work in a kitchen with a lot of boys and we say a lot of inappropriate stuff to each other, but even we would never cross the sexual prediatory jokes. And maybe I'm naive to think that similar stuff happens in male only environments. But by claiming such and really having a 'boys will be boys' attitude about it is exactly why we have such a horrible rape culture here in America. By using that excuse your justifying mostly men (and some females) that its okay to talk about women like that and that its okay to just view women as just there for men to have sex with. 
Which is why we have people like Brock Turner in America. In case you didn't know the whole story, while he was drinking at a party  he got twice rejected by the girls sister before he found the victim passed out behind the dumpster. And he was probably drunk enough that he thought it was the victim's sister and it didn't matter that she was passed out or that it was her sister that had twice denied Brock earlier in the evening. He was a man and he had every right to screw the women he had been wanting to all night, even if she was passed out behind a dumpster. And then he basically got off with the 'boys will be boys' justification.('He was drunk, 'he didn't know what he was doing' or 'it was just 20 minutes why should he be punished for the rest of his life?' it all boils down to 'boys will be boys' and there's nothing we can do about it) Its despicable. But nothing is going to change unless we as Americans make a change on how we treat women. 

This type of behavior also leads to victim blaming. After all 'boys will be boys' leads to 'how could they possibly help themselves when women are dressed like that?' Or in this case that this victim got so drunk that she passed out behind the dumpster, and Brock was drunk too, so he just couldn't help himself. And if She hadn't had drank so much none of this would have happened. And I could go on and on about other rape cases where everything gets twisted around onto being the women's fault, but I won't. I think that example speaks for itself  And really I shouldn't expect more from a country that some of its citizens accept Donald Trump's speech as 'locker room talk'. I mean there's no way this could get transferred to men every where as a way to get away with rape.

And maybe Brock Turner is an extreme example, but I don't think so. And since Trump's the main candidate for the Republican party, I would like to end with this. For a party that claims to be the 'Family Values' party, that often times fights so hard to keep laws that "keep women safe (especially from themselves or those vicious transgenders lurking in the bathrooms just waiting to molest any one they can, but that's another argument for another day)", its outrageous that they would allow anybody to talk about women like that represent their party. But I guess that's how I view the republican party. They hide behind their bibles to get votes and they only really legislature they want to pass to keep women safe is to keep women "barefoot and pregnant". Because that's what women are made to do. It says so some where in the bible, I'm sure. So it shouldn't shock me that much that they can excuse this behavior as 'boys will be boys' and that's just how men talk when they are around other men. And if women don't like it then they can get out of the business world.

Because clearly women are always the problem and their behavior is the one that needs to change and not the other way around.

And I suppose that it all boils down to the fact that I can no longer just be a silent feminist, that I have to use my voice to shout out about social injustices (all of them and not just women's issues). Most importantly I have to raise my boys not to see women as just house keepers and baby makers, but as humans who deserve to be treated as much.
