Toilet Paper Roll Planters

I've been talking about growing a garden for a while now. (I think more so in my head than any where else) And I've tried a couple different times, and quite frankly I've always felt in over my head. But this I decided to just go for it. And since Lion (and Mike) love bell peppers (and after reading about them and learning they are fairly easy to grow), I thought that would be the perfect place to start.

And naturally this all led to testing out the life hack below!
(An upcycle and life hack together... my favorite!)

The Project

Make Planters Out Of Toilet Paper Rolls

Hack From this picture

(I'm not sure where this picture originated from, but I love it and I'm glad they made it!)


The only hard part about this hack is figuring out how far up the roll to cut to make the flaps. And I've not quite sure I ever quite cut them right, but regardless of how big or small I made the flaps, I was still able to mash them together and create little planters.

I then placed them into left over carryout soup cups to help secure them as they grow. And so far I'm happy to report that my bell peppers are sprouting. So now its just up to me to make sure they keep growing and eventually I'll get some bell peppers for Lion to enjoy!
