A Good Way to Wash and Fluff Pilows

There are still plenty more ways to use coconut oil and I would like to (eventually) try them all (or at least most of them), but I thought I would give it a rest for now and switch my attention over to some different ideas. Pinterest is full of ideas that seem a little too good to be true, so I can't really just stick to one topic. (even as tempting as it is to see if coconut oil is as good as it seems)

And after having themes for my Try Me Tuesday for August and September, I was a little lost at what I wanted to do. I went back to my Pinterest board. And what I found was about ten different versions of laundry detergent. (I'll get there with my tax refund. I don't really have the money to buy all that stuff right now). And a bunch of ideas that need to be switched over to my Kids Crafts board. So I was really thrown for a loop.

And then I saw it. A pin about proper pillow cleaning. A pin that I don't even remember pinning, but knew I had wanted to try it. And since my pillows were long overdue for a washing I knew it was time to try it.


Try out the following pillow cleaning and fluffing method

instructions from this picture

(I couldn't find the source for this photo, but it must come from Arm & Hammer at some point)


Before we start, I wanted to share how my pillows looked at first. I did lighten the color on the picture because the overhead lighting and from constant use my pillow looked very yellow. And it didn't look that yellow in person. So I fixed it.

You can't really see from the photo, but the left pillow has gone very flat (and probably should be replaced) and the right one is very stiff. Together they make the perfect pillow. And that's why I keep them.

So right away I went off script. Instead of using a 1/2 cup baking soda, I decided to use 1/2 cup borax along with the 1/2 cup of baking soda

All right it wasn't exactly 1/2 cup of baking soda. I just used up whatever I had left. Which was a little more than 1/4 cup. (I honestly thought the more the better and the whiter my pillows would be)

So I washed them. And then when it came to drying them, I didn't have tennis balls laying around. But I did discover we had a Dryer Ball. (I'm not sure the exact name, but its a plastic ball with spikes all over it and its meant for the dryer to fluff and soften clothes as they dry). So I put the ball into a sock and then I had to set my dryer to time dry, so it wouldn't keep shutting off on me.

Anyway here's how my pillows turned out

I once again turned down the color in the photo, but I tried to match it with original. That way I didn't give false hopes that I sent my yellow pillows to wash and ended up with bright white pillows once they were dry. 

And I'm not sure that you can see it in the picture, but the dryer ball did fluff them up. 

So over all I would call this a success. And to have the best results, you should probably wash your pillows as often as it recommends.
