Monday Free Write

After ("dangerously") deciding to run through the hurricane on Thursday afternoon (I maintain it was just feeder bands before any of the real wind or rain had hit us, so it really wasn't anymore dangerous than running in any ran storm), I realized that I have this adventurous spirit in me and its no wonder that I am the mother of two boys.

I read somewhere that having boys shortens a mother's lifespan. I can't seem the article now (everytime I try to find it all I end up with is scientific research that might not be all that accurate), but in the article it talked about how mother's of boys often do crazier things and have bigger adventure than mother's of girls. I'm not sure how accurate those findings are either. I just assumed that I always had an adventurous spirit lurking inside of me and once I had Blue I lost a lot of my silly fears. Actually, that's a lie. I'm still scared of a lot, but I try to pretend like I'm not so that maybe Blue and now Lion won't have as many stupid fears as I do about the world. And that's what really keeps me going.

I'm just not sure this is just a boy mom phenomenon. I remember watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians (as always don't judge me for my tv habits. Its a great show to veg out to!) and  Kim Kardashian had a meltdown because zip lining terrified her (or the heights, I don't quite recall) and she had her daughter to think about, so it just wouldn't be smart to do something that dangerous. I'm just not sure this had to do with her (at the time) being a girl mom or just the way she carries herself as a mother.

Just as I'm sure my adventurous spirit might be more suited for only sons, but I would like to think that I would be the same if I had daughters instead. And if that shortens my life, then so be it. At least I'm going down with a whole lot of adventures under my belt.
