A Week With My Bullet Journal
I know, I know, I just wrote about my bullet journal last week, but I just love it so much that I wanted to share how it was going after I had a full week (and almost a week and half with it!).
No I still haven't added washi tape to the seams (even though I probably should). I discovered over the course of the week how to better organize my thoughts so the bullet journal works better for me. And I thought I would share so maybe it will help you out as well!
The first thing I realized is that having a daily to do list is nice, but I like to over schedule myself (or I just work on what I want and don't care about what's on my to do list) and was constantly putting down the same item on my to do list for multiple days. So I decided to make one big weekly to do list.
As you can see I only had a few spaces for things to get done each day. So this helped focus my attention on the important things I have to get done that day. And then for the rest of the day I can just pick tasks off of the weekly to do list.
(I haven't gotten around to working on my project side yet. I just wish I hadn't done if all in sharpie so that I could add a calendar page for each month, but I guess that's something to keep in mind for the next one)
All right I'll get off my bullet journal soap box now. (I'll probably give an update after the new year, when I've got it down pat and figured out everything I want to include)
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