Monday Free Write

Monday Monday Monday...

I actually really enjoy most Mondays, but this Monday I just can't think about anything to write about. Life right now is in full crazy mode and right now my head is so full with so many different projects and ideas for even more projects that I might be burning too many candles right now. (The weird thing is that I've been doing this for so long, that I can't really function when I'm trying to do just one thing at a time)

Other than that I've started a bullet journal and I'm trying to lay out plans for what projects I want to work when. And quite frankly its got me a little overwhelmed. There's still so much to this year and I wanted to add more projects onto the week (I've learned more posts equals more views and more views means I'm eventually going to find my audience!). But I'm just worried that I'm going to run out of projects  But I just need to remind myself that there are always more things to learn and an endless supply of things to try on Pinterest.

While that's reassuring, I'm also worried that I'm slowly going to burn myself out. Last week I wrote five posts in 5 days and on that sixth day my mind just went to mush, so when I came back to write Saturdays post, I still couldn't think of anything. So actually I should be concerned about the opposite. Maybe constantly working on posts and writing post is making me a better blogger.  It's possible....

I guess the point is that I still have a long way to go to get this blog thing down pat. But I'm ever hopefully that I will eventually get it together.and finally be able to have a grand launch for the blog and finally start really spreading the word!
