Monday Free Write

Over the past week of so I watched Espn's OJ: Made in America and listened to Gerenation Why's Podcast on the MLK Assassination and then with everything going down in New Orleans, Minnesota, and Dallas this past week, I was all set to make a really strong message about it.But I realized this blog is not the best place to take such a strong message. 

However I will say this, its sad and eyeopening that issues that happened in LA over 20 years ago are still happening today. And perhaps we need to all look in the mirror and realize that we are no different than anybody else and all those prejudice we are raised with about different races, are just nonsense. People are people and some are more dangerous than others, but skin tone is really no indication of how dangerous somebody could be. (In fact if you like true crime most of the worst villains end up being white men). 

Anyway, that went way further than I intended (but really not as deep as I originally wanted), but that was just something I needed to get off my chest. And I guess the point I really wanted to make was that if we want to belong in a civilized society, then we all better start behaving like we belong in a civilized society. 

And now I feel a lot better and I'm ready to have a great Monday and have a great rest of this new week. 

I hope you have a great one too (And yes next week's Free Write hopefully will be a lot better and not trying to tread lightly on such a deep and sensitive subject!)
