Monday Free Write

Well here we are at Monday again! 

You know it's weird. A couple of weeks ago I was on here complaining about the awful schedule my love had made for us. But I've learned over the past couple of weeks that it really doesn't matter what days (or how many he gave me), it matters what I do with that time. I know, I know that really should go without saying, but how many us just ignore that and use our time unwisely? I know I still do that in my regular life. And all it ends up doing is cause me to rush through a project in the end. Or I end up ignoring a project and it takes months to finish where if I just kept working on it I could finish it in hours or in days.

I've also found that since I've organized my time better while working on projects, I've started to get into a routine in other areas as well. I now do that dishes when Lion gets up from his nap and put away laundry on Sunday or Monday after he gets up from his second nap. And during his nap I generally work on his crib bumper. (Which is getting closer and closer to getting finished!). It's amazing that just making these simple changes in my routine makes me feel better and make me feel like I'm getting stuff accomplished. 

Now if only I could work an exercise routine into my day. I think I would be all set. But right now sleep is way more important than shedding a couple of pounds!

Till next Monday!

