Monday Free Write

Hello Monday!

The worst part about making Monday a complete free write is that this week I have no idea what I want to write about. All week long I think about different things I want to write about and then Monday afternoon comes and I have no idea what I want to write about.

I think part of this has to do with that fact that I'm trying to get stuff done around the house (mainly laundry and the dishes) juggling that with taking care of two boys (that my boy is supposed to be taking are of) and trying to work on my various projects, that my brain is just over worked and under fed and I just have no energy to come up with words let alone thoughts to turn them into a subject. (I guess that's the price I pay, but really I wouldn't have it any other way.)

So with that being said I'm sorry (but not that sorry) that I don't really have anything to write about. Maybe next week I'll try to relax and think of something while I'm doing the dishes. Or maybe I'll start writing this post earlier in the week when I have something to say.

I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens over the next week!

