Organization Begins with a Plan(ner)

It seems like every year I make the same old resolution: to get my life organized. And you know what, this year I really have no excuse not to do it. I've got two children, a busy work schedule, bills that need to be paid, a blog that I'd like to start blossoming and well quite frankly I'll be turning 29. There is no better time to do it and really if I don't get around to it this year, I'm afraid I'll never get around to it.

So to make this year different I've decided that instead of tackling the entire house as a whole it would be wiser to tackle the house room by room (or space by space). 

Naturally my first space to tackle is my planner. In year's past I've just bought one in the store (and really there is nothing wrong with them), but this year I decided to put one together myself. There are several different planner systems if you search on Pinterest, but I prefer the planning system from Sweet Tea & Saving Grace (nee One Tough Mother) blog's Family Binder. I've set it up so that I have a full month view for every month on one side and mixed in a financial pages, so I can start tracking where my money goes to every month. Perhaps the feature I like the most is having a weekly view on one side and be able to make lists on the other. (So much so that I even took a picture of it)
I really like this feature because nothing makes me happier than being able to list what I need to do and then cross it off. It simply is the most satisfying feeling. 

In the back I plan to put the Grocery list; along with adding a couple of pockets to put in coupons, receipts and pens. (I'll include a picture once I get around to buying them).

Once I had all the pages I wanted I simply laminated them. That way, hopefully, I can use this planner for years to come.
