Monday Free Write

I know, I know, its Tuesday, but well some how we forgot to pay the cable/internet and it got shut off. And even after I had righted to payment, they were in no hurry to rectify the problem until I called them back again today! Anyway here we are!

So first post in the new year! And I was all ready to post on Wednesday when I had to stay late at work again. To retify this problem, I've downloaded the blogger app on my phone so I can atleast start a draft of want I want to post and then just pretty it up when I get to the main computer.

Anyway with the new year comes new years resolutions. And I know the biggest thing I need to work on is organization. I currently have half the house organized and the other half is in mass chaos. Over the course of this year I plan to slow find a place for everything and try to keep it there. First step in that is conquering my desk. If I can manage to organize that (and keep Blu out of it!) it should set me up for success for the rest of the year!

On the other side of that I need to organize my life better. I always feel better when I make a to do list and actually get things done on it. To help accomplish this I've started making my own planner. And I should have a post on it on Wednesday!

And then finally I plan to organize my finances better this year. I'll be 29 in March and Mike will be 39 in September. So really there is no better time to start learning how to budget then the present. (And then I shouldn't be late on anymore bills! especially not the cable again!). Along with that I plan to start couponing. Not extremely, just to save us money here and there. Then maybe if I can remember to put into savings into my savings and get us started working on the for retirement!

So all in all in should be a good year for us! And of course I still plan to take time to work on my many projects!
