Monday Free Write

So I did write something on Wednesday, but just wasn't any good. It felt forced and I felt like I was writing it with my server voice. So I'm just going to let it sit for now and then try to write it again. 

I don't really have a lot to report this week. I've once again began work on Lyon's crib bumper. So now its just sew sew sew to get the letters on! Which hopefully will be done by the time he's a year old! (I didn't have Blu's done until he was 15 months old and it seemed to hold up nicely).

And I've also started reorganizing my desk so that I can use it as a command center for my family and as a command center for all my various craft projects. I feel like just having a place for everything in there will help center me. Maybe I'll finally break through my writer's block and start writing some actually posts that matter.

And as if that's not enough to make a normal person crazy, I've also slowly start work on Blu's art area. But that's really more in the idea stage than anything in real concrete doing mode.

So as you can see it's a very busy life I live, but really I don't know if I could do it any other way.'

So until next week (or hopefully sooner!)!
