Monday Free Write

Hello all!

That boy of mine has decided that we need a schedule. And he so nicely gave me Monday and Friday mornings to work on my projects (while he gets Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). I'm not very pleased with the arrangement, but after having the weekend to cool down, I've decided to make lemonade out of his scheduling lemons.

First order of business is to move my Monday Free Writes to Monday afternoon instead of Monday night. It just seems to make more sense this way. So here we go with the first one!

I've finally got to work on my activity book! However much like the crib bumper I think its going to take me a while to finish. I will however be able to make posts for each page. This way you can see the updates along the way.

As for the crib bumper, it hopefully should be done by June. That's my goal at least. And I think with this new schedule if I can just work on it during Lion's naps. I should be able to make good progress on it and still be able to work on projects for the blog at the same time.

As for projects for this blog. I guess I'll be surfing on Pinterest to find something to make.
