Monday Free Write

There is nothing more frustrating then having a perfect plan on how I want to organize half of my desk... and then being stuck waiting for my tax return to get here so I can have some money to get it done. And really when I went to write the post I felt like a fraud because my desk is still a mess. So needless to say I will have the written out fully once I get everything I need.

So in the meantime I've been working on this damn crib bumper. I'm happy to report that is is officially half way done! (This is why this year I need to learn to use my sewing machine!). I just need to remember to keep sewing and sewing even when I don't feel like it and it'll be over before I know it!

And I've decided to utilize the free time I have in during work and I've begun making a trashcan for my desk out of plastic bags. If it works out I think it'll be a nice touch and perhaps a great use of the otherwise useless plastic bags I have laying around here.

And I'm in the early stages of planning an activity book for Blu (and eventually Lyon). I think it'll be really nice for him to have when we go out to visit his grandparents or other long car rides. (I currently don't have a tv in my car nor do I plan to get one either, but who knows I may change my mind in the future).

And then I still need to tackle my desk and then turn my attention to our tiny linen closet for my February organization project. Hopefully this time I can figure out an organization scheme that Mike can keep up with as well and it won't be destroyed. 

So all in all it should be an exciting couple of weeks here (as long as I can get my tax money already!)
