Monday Free Write

Hello All!
I know I haven't posted anything in a week! But this is why the blog is in beta, so I can figure out a schedule that works best for me and my family. And the first step in that it figuring out how and when I can sneak off to write. Because quite frankly as wonderful as my boyfriend is, if I told him I was doing this he would just roll his eyes and make a snarky comment about it. And beyond that a lot of my spare time right now is being consumed with Lyon's crib bumper (which I'm determined to have finished by the time we move him into the boys room).
I however have been doing a lot of thinking about the blog and posts I'd like to make, so that you can see how everything's coming together. So hopefully within the next couple of days I'll have a post about the current state of the boys room and the different projects I have going on in there. Along with an update on the crib bumper.

Other than that I have no real immediate plans to the blog. So I guess we'll all see how this thing unfolds.
